Author: Ian Brooks & Daniel Tang
1st Published: 19th March 2017
Story Pages: 18

Night Skies is an epic squeezed into a single issue. Its a tale designed to be brought to life by the reader in it's full glory. It's more than just a story, its a poem and a puzzle. Turn the pages (literally) and read the story of Gulfmir, Milthane, Caerae and their friends as they trek across the land under the watchful eye of the Half-Star following a vision that will lead them to once again bring peace and life back to the world.

Enjoy this as an easy-to-read story on eBook, OR, experience this book as it was meant to be. If you're brave (or just prefer the feel of a book), buy the paperback and turn this bound book into a collection of miniatures, all with a case for keeping. Find it's secrets and see why this story can only be fully appreciated, after it's been destroyed.



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